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Raffetto, Joseph
VA Boston HCS
Identifying the Genetic Associations of Chronic Venous Disease
Joseph Raffetto
Villavicencio: A World Without Borders
Joseph Raffetto
Ragg, Johann
angioclinic vein centers
CEAP classification: friend or foe?
Johann Ragg
Venous insufficiency in children and adolescents - proof of short time progression
Johann Ragg
Raible, William
st peters health partners
Case Report: A novel technique to treat right gonadal vein reflux for pelvic venous disease
William Raible
Ramachandran, Mokhshan
University of California, Los Angeles
Comparative Outcomes Following Radiofrequency Ablation and Polidocanol Microfoam Ablation of Symptomatic, Incompetent Small Saphenous Veins
Mokhshan Ramachandran
Ranjan, Siddharth
Global Thrombosis Forum
Cancer-Associated Venous Thromboembolic Events
Siddharth Ranjan
Recht, Matthew
Long Term Patient Benefits seen with Iliofemoral Venous Stenting for Thrombotic and Non-Thrombotic Pathologies – A Single-Institution Experience.
Matthew Recht
Reed, Guy
University of Arizona College of Medicine
Sex-Specific Assessment of Acetylsalicylic Acid on Thrombogenesis and Vein Wall Injury in Experimental DVT, and Secondary DVT Prevention Patients
Guy Reed
Reichard, Adam
Long Term Patient Benefits seen with Iliofemoral Venous Stenting for Thrombotic and Non-Thrombotic Pathologies – A Single-Institution Experience.
Adam Reichard
Reina, Lourdes
Scientific approach to Lipedema. Are we living in the era of lipedema terrorism?
Lourdes Reina
Reince, Brayden
Prisma Health Columbia
Expanding the Possibilities for AVF Creation with Brachial Plexus Block
Brayden Reince
Ren, Gang
University of Toledo
Gender and Race Disparities in Pulmonary Embolism Mortality Before and After COVID Vaccination in the United States: Analysis from the CDC-Wonder Database, 2018-2022
Gang Ren
Outcomes of surgical repair and ligation for portal vein injury from a Nationwide Trauma Data Bank analysis
Gang Ren
Rigberg, David
University of California, Los Angeles
Comparative Outcomes Following Radiofrequency Ablation and Polidocanol Microfoam Ablation of Symptomatic, Incompetent Small Saphenous Veins
David Rigberg
Robey, Noah
Northwell Health
Mechanical thrombectomy and port-a-catheter salvage in acute thrombotic superior vena cava syndrome
Noah Robey
Robinson, Scott
Maine Health
Remote Monitoring with a Multi-Point Pressure Sensor Detects Temporal Losses in Sub-Bandage Pressure During Compression Therapy
Scott Robinson
Results of the AVF Research Retreat on C2 Disease Confirms that the Biology of Varicose Veins Including Etiology, Progression and Novel Therapeutics as well as Disparities are Top Research Priorities
Scott Robinson
Rocco, Sabrina
University of Michigan
In Vitro Vascular Permeability Modulation in Venous Endothelium with Sirolimus
Sabrina Rocco
Rockman, Caron
Hackensack Meridian Health
Determining the Validity of ThinkSono Guidance for Ultrasound Acquisition and Remote Diagnosis (DVT GUARD)
Caron Rockman
Rockman, Caron
New York University Langone Health
Minority Groups Undergoing Superficial Venous Intervention Present with More Severe Disease and Undergo Fewer Repeat Interventions: A VQI Analysis.
Caron Rockman
Patients with Acute Phlebitis can be Treated Safely with Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) Ablation.
Caron Rockman
Venous leg ulcers are a marker of worse long-term survival in patients with chronic venous insufficiency
Caron Rockman
Rodríguez Pinero, Manuel
Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme
Phase I, open-label, first-in-human study to evaluate the safety and feasibility of personalized tissue-engineered vein grafts in patients with chronic venous insufficiency.
Manuel Rodríguez Pinero
Rodriguea, Limael
Texas Vascular and Imaging
Results of the AVF Research Retreat on C2 Disease Confirms that the Biology of Varicose Veins Including Etiology, Progression and Novel Therapeutics as well as Disparities are Top Research Priorities
Limael Rodriguea
Rodrigues, Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro State University
Efficacy of Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy for Venous Ulcers in Patients Non-Adherent to Compression: Preliminary Results from a Prospective Cohort Study
Eduardo Rodrigues
Rollo, Johnathon
University of California, Los Angeles
Comparative Outcomes Following Radiofrequency Ablation and Polidocanol Microfoam Ablation of Symptomatic, Incompetent Small Saphenous Veins
Johnathon Rollo
Romera Villegas, Antonio
Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme
Phase I, open-label, first-in-human study to evaluate the safety and feasibility of personalized tissue-engineered vein grafts in patients with chronic venous insufficiency.
Antonio Romera Villegas
Rosenberger, Sarah
APP+ Leg Edema
Sarah Rosenberger
Work Up of the Swollen Leg
Sarah Rosenberger
Rosovsky, Rachel
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Sex-Specific Assessment of Acetylsalicylic Acid on Thrombogenesis and Vein Wall Injury in Experimental DVT, and Secondary DVT Prevention Patients
Rachel Rosovsky
Rothstein, Alex
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Prevalence of depression in patients with chronic venous insufficiency
Alex Rothstein
Rowe, Vincent
University of California, Los Angeles
Comparative Outcomes Following Radiofrequency Ablation and Polidocanol Microfoam Ablation of Symptomatic, Incompetent Small Saphenous Veins
Vincent Rowe
Russell, Todd
Jobst Vascular Institute
Experimental Simulation of Multiple Iliac Vein Stenoses
Todd Russell