Head dept. vascular surgery
Clinic Bel Etage
Neuss, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Vita / Biography
February 2020 to present
Director, Dept. Vascular Surgery, at the Pradus Medical Center , "Clinic Bel Etage" . Düsseldorf, Germany
Univ. of Essen afiliated surgeon for establishing speciality of open thoracoabdominal aneurysm surgery
Emeritus 2009 Nov.
1993 to August 2009
Director of the Clinic for Vascular Surgery and Kidney Transplantation at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Co-Director of the Transplantation Center at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Appointed to the chairman of the newly founded Clinic for Vascular Surgery and Kidney Transplantation at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Appointment to the chair of Vascular Surgery and as Director of the Clinic for Vascular Surgery at the University of Vienna, Austria
1981 Ordinary Professor of Surgery and Vascular Surgery, Univ. of Düsseldorf
Head of the Section of Vascular Surgery at the Surgical University Clinic Düsseldorf
Heinrich Heine University ,Duesseldorf , Medical faculty
PH.D: "Investigation of Blood Flow at the Vessel Wall and Turbulence in the Aorta of Dogs"
Research Fellowship, Groupe Prof. P.Peroneau et Dr. Hinglais, Hospital Brousssais, supported by Ministry of culture NRW, Association Claude Bernard, and Centre national de recherche scientifique , France
Thesis:” The Importance of Electromagnetic Flow Measurement for Reconstructive Surgery of the Peripheral Arteries” ("magna cum laude")
Awards and Honors:
1984 Founding and Board Member of the German Society for Vascular Surgery
1987 Founding Member and Founding Board Member of the European Society for Vascular Surgery
1993 – 1994 President of the German Society for Vascular Surgery
1994 – 1999 Chairman of the Editorial Board of the "European Journal for Endovascular and Vascular Surgery"
Honorary membership : Society of vascular surrgery; Italian society of vascular surgery: German society of vascular surgery. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
1:24 PM – 1:32 PM EST