Poster Presentation
VENOUS2025 Main Agenda
Shreef Said, M.D
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Yale School of Medicine, Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Emily Gu, Medical Student
Medical Student
Yale School of Medicine, Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Andrew X Li, M.D
General Surgery Resident
Yale School of Medicine, Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Sarah Ann Loh, M.D
Vascular Surgery Resident
Yale School of Medicine, Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Hamid Mojibian, M.D
Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging
Yale School of Medicine, Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Masoud Azodi, M.D
Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
Yale School of Medicine, Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar, M.D
Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery
Yale School of Medicine, Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, United States